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Antimicrobial resistance is a growing and serious problem - 10 million deaths by year in 2050

The world economic forum is committed to improving the state of the world. Among the global warming the antimicrobial resistance is getting a major role. It's estimated that by 2050 the phenomena kills yearly 10 million people which is more than any known decease including cancer

The hygienic group of Four by has been not been alone in their concern about antimicrobial resistance.

The studies estimate that 300 million people are expected to die due to the drug resistance over the next 35 years. On the top of fatal human factor the evaluation estimates that the world’s GDP will be up to 3.5% lower level than estimation in 2050. In practise the progress means that until year 2050 the world's economy can expect to lose from 60 to 00 trillion USD worth of economic output if antimicrobial resistant phenomena cannot be won. This is equivalent to the loss of around one year’s total global output over the period, and will create significant and widespread human suffering. Unfortunately there is no anyt signs that what would the next new drug generation if any.

The Hygienichospital group is providing technology solutions to minize the infection risks in hospitals.​

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